Scouts BSA Troop 7253
Kent United Church of Christ
Kent United Church of Christ
Check back here for Summer Camp 2022 Updates
Logistics and Financial Information:
We are camping during the traditional 'Week 4' at Manatoc. This is July 9th through the 15th.
Kit Carson camp site is reserved for use by 253 and 7253. The majority of scouts will tent camp, some will cabin camp. Further discussion will happen regarding accommodations once attendance numbers are known.
Camp fees this year are $375 for early registration. Regular registration is $395.
Important Dates:
Merit Badge scheduling opens on March 1st. New this year, before we schedule your scout’s merit badge requests, each participant will provide a $200 deposit towards the cost of camp. If you cancel before 4/14, this amount can be refunded. We understand if you would prefer to wait until you’re sure your scout is able to attend; the only delay will be in scheduling classes that may fill up quickly.
Saturday, April 1st - campership applications must be submitted. To be completed by Unit Leader (Scoutmaster), not parent. Can request up to 50% of camp fees from District. Available funds may be available from the Troop upon request. If you would like to apply for the campership, please provide the following information: Did your scout participate in popcorn sales or any other fundraising? Did your family donate to friends of scouting in the past year? Did your scout receive a campership in the previous year? Any information you would like to share as to why it will be difficult for your scout to not fundraise the full amount for the summer camp fee.
Late April, Early May- Date TBD- Swim Tests- scouts must test for swimming ability prior to attending camp. Troops 253 and 7253 will have a test date in late April/early May. If you can't attend, council holds a swim test before camp at Manatoc June 11th 1-4pm. (You must bring a med form to the camp swim test)
Friday - April 14th - Early Bird Registration ends. We hope to have completed registration well before this point.
Monday - June 26th - Health forms A,B and C are due to Unit Leaders. These include the physical form and up to date immunizations showing date of last tetanus. (part C). If you are unable to turn in health forms by this date please bring two copies to the first day of camp. The current printing of the health form can be found on our Packing Lists & Important Links page.
Sunday July 9th - Drop Off for camp
Saturday July 15 - Pickup from camp
Scouts will be selecting merit badges as soon as the offerings are made available during a regular Troop meeting. We hope to complete registration asap so that scouts can best hope to get into their chosen merit badge classes. Some have limited registration and fill up quickly.
It is suggested that scouts pursue 3-4 merit badges depending on how much self-directed time they wish to have at camp. We will discuss how scouts plan to use their self-directed time with each scout.
If a scout has partial merit badges, it would be advised to try to complete these while at camp.
We also recommend for all first year campers to take the ST21 course. Completing all required and optional ST21 activities takes care of many of the advancement requirements for Scout, Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class ranks. An additional 2-3 merit badges at most should be taken in addition to ST21.